case study


How we helped Hirundo transform their image and create trust with enterprise clients.

Watch the video (for Hebrew speakers):

Fact sheet

Hirundo at the time

Early 2024

Last funding round

Large pre-seed

Product domain


Team size


Old website

See here ↓


The starting point

After raising their pre-seed round Hirundo started stepping up their outreach, talking to bigger and bigger prospects. They started to see the old landing page as a blocker. Big companies were hesitant to work with a company that had so little to show for:

“I loved our old website but it was very very basic. Half a page, 2 sentences. There’s a limit to how long you can keep playing the “mystery game”.

Ben Luria

Co-Founder and CEO, Hirundo

They needed to create a better image for themselves, to make it clear that they had something meaningful to offer, that they were trustworthy. They needed an enabler.


The challenges

Complex Technology

Hirundo's founders were worried that it would take too long to get anybody to grasp it well enough to explain and market it.

Multiple Use Cases

“Our product has multiple use cases for multiple personas. The messages all had to work together and still be persuasive and clear to each persona”

Time Crunch

During the project Hirundo suddenly got invited to present in an important AI conference. We all wanted to have the site ready by then. The new deadline was tight.


The result

“When we got to the conference we were so proud of the site that we put it up on the huge monitor behind us. It was the crown jewel of our booth.”

Ben Luria
Co-Founder and CEO

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