Genda’s website looks like a remnant of their very-early-stage.

The design is uniform but too basic. The content is disorganized and the messaging is unclear. I believe that Genda has a lot to offer, and can benefit greatly by improving their site.

Hero Section

A good hero section has one clear, enticing message.

This hero section has six.

Three in the heading. one above each image.

Placing them all in the hero section makes them compete with the main message. And everybody loses.

The Call to Action is clear and direct.

It clearly explains what’s going to happen once you click it. That’s good.

But the problem is the offer itself. “Self-guided tour” sounds like a lot of work.

People don’t want to work hard. Marketers need to make sure that they don’t have to. Every piece of information should be presented to the customer at the right time. And be easy to consume. Help them understand. Guide them.

Also - notice the “Schedule Demo” CTA in the navigation bar.

Scheduling a demo is probably more valuable than someone taking a self-guided tour. So why isn’t the “Schedule Demo” the main CTA?

Credibility + Benefits + Capabilities Section

This section is actually a mix up of two different sections.

Logos are important for credibility. But without a heading I can’t know what they mean. Are these customers? Investors? Partners?

The four cards below are also a mix up of different messaging component:

  • “Project performance insights” is a capability. Which is something concrete that the product does.
  • “Increase safety & reduce risk” is a benefit - Something good that the customer gains from using the product.

Grouping messages by type helps the customer make sense of the information. Put it in the right mental box.

Feature Section No. 1

This section is well designed.

The image is good - it gives context and credibility without pulling too much attention.

But the messaging can be improved.

Can you imagine someone thinking “I really need to start gathering insights with full resource monitoring”? I can’t.

This message is too technical. Too different from the customer’s inner voice and too vague.

Something like “Know where everybody is. Plan accordingly” should work better.

The CTA here has the same design like the main CTA. This is bad because it breaks the content hierarchy. The order of importance.

This is a bold, high contrast button design. Applying it to a low-mid importance element like a “read more” button hurts the effectiveness of the more important CTAs.

Feature Section No. 2

This section is pretty confusing.

“Lite Starter Package” sounds like a product/pricing package. Why is it designed as a feature section?

Remember the component type mix up we saw in the website’s second section? This is another good example of that.

Different information + same design = confusion.

Remember the golden rule of marketing: “If you confuse - you lose.”

If visitors don’t understand something, they will probably move on and forget it.

How it Works Section

Videos are a great marketing tool. But this one could use some work.

A few simple tweaks could considerably improve its impact.

In order to maximize the effect of a video, we need visitors to watch it.

To do that we need to give them a reason to click play, or auto play it for them.

Check out how Jiga solved this problem beautifully.

Pricing Section

This is a good place for pricing information.

But the implementation is problematic. To say the least.

First of all - where are the prices? The goal of a pricing section is to help the customer understand if they can afford this product.

And with that there are quite a few issues:

  • The heading is very vague and doesn’t provide the proper context for this information. The subheading doesn’t help
  • The standard SaaS pricing page has 3 tiers, shown in 3 cards just like here. But these are not 3 tiers, they seem to be different feature packages. That’s confusing
  • These long bullet lists look like they came out of a word document. 😴 Customers have a million things jumping at them. If the content is dull - they’re alt+tab away
  • The icons are the same for all 3 cards. Which makes me wonder what their meaning or purpose is
  • The messy dots on the background made me try to clean my screen

Blog Section

Another confusing section.

It’s very unclear what these 3 cards are. There’s no context or explanation.

These resources must have taken some effort to create.

Adding a clear heading could make sure that they are put to good use.


I usually don’t include the footer in my teardowns. But this newsletter signup message stood out to me.

The friendly and outgoing tone of voice is a breath of fresh air in the boring world of SaaS marketing. But the message seems off.

Do Genda’s customers aspire to be “cool kids”?

Seems to me like they’re more likely to aspire to be “Top construction professionals”. Or something similar.

Positioning this newsletter as a “cool kids” thing hurts the chance that customers would sign up for it. It simply feels “not for them”.


Genda’s website looks like a remnant of their very-early-stage. The design is uniform but too basic. The content is disorganized and the messaging is unclear. I believe that Genda has a lot to offer, and can benefit greatly by improving their site.

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